Engaged Portfolio

As students participate in this program, they craft a portfolio that helps them to articulate and illustrate their commitment to and capacity for informed, deliberate, and critical community engagement. Each time students document their engaged work, they respond to a brief series of questions designed to promote progressively nuanced reflection on their experiences. This portfolio allows students to build on their thoughts and insights by serving as an ongoing journal. Additionally, the portfolio may be leveraged into post-graduate experiences by summarizing experiences and skills in a useful format for potential employers and applications. The portfolio is thus both a program component as well as an end-product.

The Engaged Portfolio is hosted on the Collaborative for Community Engagement's Summit site.

Community Engagement Hour Guidelines

  • All engagement must benefit or be through an established nonprofit (including CC campus partners), community-based, or government organization.
  • No need to verify hours. This program is subject to the CC Honor Code.
  • Hours should be as accurate as possible, and can't be logged for future experiences.
  • Can document engaged work or events one attended that occurred the same semester the student applied (beginning during NSO).
  • Same block reporting! Hours, skills trainings, and learning opportunities are always due the last day of the block break after the block in which they occurred.
  • Summer hours are due by the end of block 1.
  • At least one hour per semester to stay active in the program, unless a student can demonstrate that they are unable to engage that semester.
  • Summer hours and experiences CAN fulfill program commitments.
  • Receiving payment does not exclude an activity from fulfilling requirements.
  • Up to 12 hours of engagement per day for overnight and immersive experiences (only includes time spent engaging - excludes social time, sleep and travel time)
  • Community engagement includes communities abroad, your hometown, communities in which you live in the summer, etc.

What Does Not Count as Community Engagement?

  • Hours completed before the semester a student enrolls does not fulfill the hour commitment (but does demonstrate previous commitment for upper division students)
  • Independent work not connected to a campus or community partner organization
  • Travel time to and from sites
  • Work that is associated with promoting or converting others to a specific religion
  • Work that does not fit with a students' own understanding of community engagement
  • Work through an engaged student organization that is primarily social in nature or dedicated to goals other than community engagement

Quick Links For Engaged Scholars


Help and How To's

This is a brief introduction on how to log engagement hours, learning opportunities, and skills trainings ... and check your progress toward completion of the program.

Questions or issues with the website? Email jordan.radke@hitchedhike.com.

Report an issue - Last updated: 12/17/2020